I am a mother as well as a US pediatrician and Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics (FAAP) in full-time private pediatric practice . My children are currently 6 and 8 years old and are fully vaccinated on the recommended childhood schedule . I have been an iVillage member for over 8 years. I do not have any financial ties to pharmaceutical companies that produce vaccines.
I offer this website as a resource for vaccination information as a direct result of the frustration that stems from the enormous amount of anti-vaccination misrepresentations and exaggerations on the internet. I have been involved in vaccine issues as an active member of several immunization/vaccination debate boards for several years. Additionally, I have had professional experience providing vaccinations in a pediatric setting for over 10 years as well as caring for children with both VPDs, VPD complications, and vaccine reactions. In my pediatric practice with 4 other physicians, we personally give vaccinations to our patients rather than relying on our staff to give the shots. We continue to do so as a result of our feelings that vaccinations are important, serious, and the responsibility of the pediatrician.
My personal feeling is that vaccines are not right for every child but these children represent a very small minority of the population. I also feel that vaccine reactions - especially severe vaccine reactions - are greatly exaggerated. I have read and reviewed an enormous amount of the vaccine literature including many of the anti-vaccination pieces. I am convinced that many anti-vaccination websites are extremely unreliable and skillfully use the scientific literature in a deceptive manner playing on parental emotion and relying on the fact that most parents do not have the time nor inclination to check actual scientific references to validate what is being presented. These are my personal feelings stated here and my hope is that the rest of this website will present information in a more objective manner. :o)
Although I would love for this website to be a complete representation of the various vaccination issues, to do so will be an enormous undertaking. I hope to continually add to this site in time and continue to refine the information presented. I have provided a lot of links to the current vaccination resources that I feel are the most reliable and least inflammatory. Should a specific question arise, I invite you to post it to the Vaccine Support message board or email me . For those interested in the debate of vaccination, please visit the Immunizations Debate board.
Eve (aka cl-kidoctr) - Vaccine Support community leader
About me: