Vaccination Hot Topics

From the CDC website: "In 1998 a researcher presented a theory suggesting that vaccines, depending on when they are administered, may increase or decrease the risk that certain people may develop type 1 diabetes, previously called juvenile onset or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). The cause of type 1 diabetes is not completely understood but it is believed that genetic and environmental factors may be involved. Vaccinations have been studied as a possible environmental risk factor and the scientific studies conducted have found no relationship between immunizations and type 1 diabetes."

Links to information about vaccines/diabetes:

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) "Diabetes and Vaccines"

National Centre for Immunisation and Vaccine Research (NCIRS) "Diabetes and Vaccines fact sheet"

Article from January 2002 Pediatrics Journal "Vaccines Not Linked With Diabetes - vaccines may even protect your child against diabetes"

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) "FAQ - Do vaccines cause diabetes?"

Institute for Vaccine Safety - Johns Hopkins University Childhood Immunizations and Type I Diabetes: An Institute for Vaccine Safety Workshop

World Health Organization (WHO) "Concerns about diabetes and vaccines"

Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) article "Vaccines Pose No Diabetes, Bowel Disease Risk"

American Diabetes Association (ADA) "ADA Statement Regarding Vaccines and Diabetes"

New Zealand Ministry of Health "Current Evidence - No Link Between Vaccination and Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus"

British Columbia Center for Disease Control (BCCDC) "Concerns about Diabetes and Vaccines"

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRF) "JDRF Position Statement Regarding Type 1 Diabetes and Vaccines"

Children with Diabetes "Immunizations and Type 1 Diabetes"

The Insulin-Free World Foundation "Study finds no vaccination-diabetes link"

Institute of Medicine (IOM) "Vaccines for the 21st Century: A Tool for Decisionmaking (2001) - Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitus"

Fear Mongering: Dr John B Classen's background and studies that refute his claims